%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Arrane Ashoonagh % (Isle of Man National Anthem) % % Music: William Henry Gill % Lyrics: William Henry Gill / John J. Kneen, 1907 % From public domain image http://www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/music/na1907.gif % % Typeset by Breizh Partitions % Version 1.0 % % Une partition gratuite de http://www.breizh-partitions.fr % Free sheet music from http://www.celtic-scores.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.16.0" \paper { top-margin = 2 \cm bottom-margin = 2 \cm } \header { title = "Arrane Ashoonagh dy Vannin" subtitle = "Isle of Man National Anthem" composer = "Music: William Henry Gill (1907)" meter = "Lyrics: John J. Kneen" maintainer = "Breizh Partitions" arranger = "Typeset by Breizh Partitions" date = "1907" enteredby = "Breizh Partitions" lastupdated = "2013/05/20" % instrument = "Choir" tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-column { \small \line { Une partition du site \with-url #"http://www.breizh-partitions.fr" { \teeny www. Breizh-Partitions \teeny .fr gravée à l’aide de \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" { \teeny www. LilyPond \teeny .org } }} \line { \small \italic { Sheet music from \with-url #"http://www.celticscores.com" { \teeny www. CelticScores \teeny .com engraved using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" { \teeny www. LilyPond \teeny .org }} }} \line { \teeny { Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 • \with-url #"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ } } \line{ \vspace #1.5 \general-align #Y #DOWN { \epsfile #X #10 #"by-sa.eps" } } } }} thelyrics = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1." O’ Hal -- loo nyn ghooie, _ O’ Ch’lie -- geen ny s’bwaaie _ Ry ghed -- dyn er ooir aa -- lin Yee, _ Ta dt’Ard -- stoyl Reill Thie _ Myr Bar -- rool er nyc hoie Dy reayl shin ayns seyr -- snys as shee. } #(set-global-staff-size 20) Soprane = \context Voice = "Soprane" { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \time 3/4 \key bes \major \clef treble \voiceOne \partial 4 bes'8. ^\markup { \bold \large \italic{Slow and stately.}} a'16 | bes'4 f' bes' | bes'2 \bar "||" d''8. c''16 | bes'4 a' g' | f'2 \bar "||" c''8. d''16 | ees''4 d'' c'' | bes' a' bes' | c''2 \fermata \bar "||" a'8. bes'16 | c''4 f' d'' | c''2 \bar "||" a'8. bes'16 | c''4 c'' d'' | ees''2 \bar "||" c''4 | f''4-> ees''8 [d''] c'' bes' | f'4 bes' a' | bes'2.~ | bes'2 \bar "|." } Alto = \context Voice = "Alto" { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \time 3/4 \key bes \major \clef treble \voiceTwo \partial 4 d'8. ees'16 | f'4 d' g'8. ges'16 | f'2 f'4 | f'4 f' ees' | d' (f') f' | ees' f' g'8. ges'16 | f'4 f' f' | f'2 f'4 | f'4 f' f' | f'2 f'4 | f' g' g'8. f'16 | ees'4 (ges') f'4 | f'4 f' f' | d' f' ees' | g' (f' ees' | f'2) \bar "|." } Tenor = \context Voice = "Tenor" { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \time 3/4 \key bes \major \clef bass \voiceOne \partial 4 f4 | bes bes bes8. c'16 | d'2 bes8. a16 | bes4 bes bes8 c' | d'4 (c') bes4 | bes bes g8. a16 | bes4 ees' d'8. bes16 | a2 c'4 | c' a bes | a2 c'8. bes16 | a4 a b | c' (bes?) a | bes bes bes | bes d' c' | ees' (d' c' | d'2) \bar "|." } Basse = \context Voice = "Basse" { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \time 3/4 \key bes \major \clef bass \voiceTwo \tieUp \partial 4 bes,8. c16 | d4 bes, ees | bes,2 bes,8. c16 | d4 ees8 [f] g a | bes4 (a) aes | g f ees | d c bes, | f2 \fermata f8. g16 | a4 f bes | f2 f4 | f ees d | c2 f8. ees16 | d4 bes, d | f f f | bes,2.~ | bes,2 \bar "|." } SopraneStaff = \context Staff = SopraneStaff << \Soprane \context Lyrics = Tenor \thelyrics \Alto >> TenorStaff = \context Staff = TenorStaff << \Tenor \Basse >> \score { \context PianoStaff << << \SopraneStaff \TenorStaff >> >> \layout { } \midi { \tempo 4 = 80 } } \markup { \fill-line { \column { \line { \bold "1." \column { "O’ Halloo nyn ghooie," "O’ Ch’liegeen ny s’bwaaie" "Ry gheddyn er ooir aalin Yee," "Ta dt’ Ardstoyl Reill Thie" "Myr Barrool er nyc hoie" "Dy reayl shin ayns seyrsnys as shee." } } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "2." \column { "Tra Gorree yn Dane" "Haink er traie ec y Lhane" "Son Ree Mannin v’eh er ny reih" "’S va creenaght veih Heose" "Er ny chur huggey neose" "Dy reill harrin lesh cairys as graih" } } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "3." \column { "Ren nyn ayryn g’imraa" "Va Nooghyn shenn traa" "Yn Sushtal dy Hee fockley magh" "Shegin yeearree peccoil" "Myr far aileyn Vaal," "Ve er ny chur mow son dy bragh." } } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "4." \column { "Vec ooasle yn Theihll" "Ayns creoighys tooilleil" "Ta traaue ooir as faarkey, Gow cree" "Ny jarrood yn fer mie" "Ta coadey ’n lught-thie" "Ren tooilleil liorish Logh Galilee." } } } \column { \line { \bold "5." \column { "D’eiyr yn sterrm noon as noal" "Yn baatey beg moal" "Fo-harey hug Eh geay as keayn" "Trooid ooilley nyn ghaue" "Ta’n Saualtagh ec laue" "Dy choadey nyn Vannin veg veen." } } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "6." \column { "Lhig dorrinyn bra" "Troggal seose nyn goraa" "As brishey magh ayns ard arrane" "Ta nyn groink aalin glass" "Yn vooir cummal ass" "As coadey lught-thie as shioltane." } } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "7." \column { "Nyn Ellan fo-hee" "Cha boir noidyn ee" "Dy bishee nyn eeastyn as grain" "Nee’n Chiarn shin y reayll" "Voish strieughyn yn theihll" "As crooinnagh lesh shee ’n ashoon ain." } } \hspace #0.1 \line { \bold "8." \column { "Lhig dooin boggoil bee," "Lesh annym as cree," "As croghey er gialdyn yn Chiarn;" "Dy vodmayd dagh oor," "Treish teil er e phooar," "Dagh olk ass nyn anmeenyn ’hayrn." } } } } }