\header { mutopiatitle = "Ases Tod" mutopiasubtitle = "La Mort D'Ase" mutopiacomposer = "E. Grieg (1843-1907)" mutopiapoet = "Henrik Ibsen" mutopiaopus = "O 46 No. 2" mutopiainstrument = "Piano" date = "1874-76 - rescored by Grieg 1886" style = "Romantic" title = "Ases Tod" subtitle = "La Mort D'ase" composer = "Edvard Grieg (1843 - 1907)" meter = "Andante doloroso" opus = "Op. 46 No. 2 - from Peer Gynt Suite I" copyright = "Public Domain" source = "Kunkel Brothers 1891 - Kunkel's Musical Review, May 1893" filename = "lamortdase.ly" tagline = "Public Domain" maintainer = "Deborah Lowrey" maintainerEmail = "drlowrey@karmaresources.com" maintainerWeb = "http://www.karmaresources.com" lastupdated = "2002/07/05" % footer = "Public Domain" tagline = "\\parbox{\hsize}{\\thefooter\\quad\\small \\\\This music is part of the Mutopia project, \\texttt{http://www.mutopiaproject.org/}\\\\It has been typeset and placed in the public domain by Deborah Lowrey (\\texttt{http://www.karmaresources.com}).\\\\Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted and encouraged---copy this music and share it!}" footer = "Mutopia-2002/07/05-246" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % This Piano piece's main source was from the Kunkel Brothers 1891, % % reprinted in 1893. Many of the slurs and fingerings were extremely % % excessive (and unnecessary), and so, were omitted. Many of the % % dynamics and (de)crescendi were left as entered to help reduce % % file size and make the sheetmusic (and file) less busy. If you are % % interested in the fingering for this piece, please email your % % request to the address @maintainerEmail. Karmically, Deborah % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Global = \notes {\key d\major \time 4/4} rightHand = \notes \relative c { \clef "bass" \context Staff < \context Voice = VA { d4\p\cr fis fis2\rc d4\cr fis fis2\rc d4\cr e8 fis g4 fis\rc e\decr fis8 gis r8 d4\pp fis eis2 % 5 d4 fis eis2 e4 fis8 gis cis,4 gis'8 g fis e r4 \clef treble a'\mf\cr cis cis2\rc a4\cr cis cis2\rc % 10 \stemDown a4\cr b8 cis d4 cis4\rc b\decr cis8 dis r8 \stemBoth a4\cr cis bis2\rc a4\cr cis bis2\rc \stemDown b4_#'( bold ( italic "cresc.")) cis8 dis dis'8 d % 15 \tieDown cis8 b ~ r8 \stemBoth b cis2\rc b cis2\rc \stemDown d4\cr [e8 fis] g4 fis e [fis8 gis] ais4.\rc r8 % 20 \property Voice.DynamicText \override #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 1.0) b\cr b \property Voice.DynamicText \revert #'extra-offset e4 fis8 gis ais4 fis8 e r4 eis'2_\p\decr % 25 eis\decr eis\cr r8 ais2\decr ais\decr % 30 ais\cr r8 eis2_#'(bold (italic "pi\\`u")) eis\decr eis\cr % 35 r8 \clef bass ais2\decr ais\decr ais\cr r8 % 40 r8 d2\pp\decr ~ d8 r8 r4 d2 ~ d8\rced r8 r4 d1\ppp } \context Voice = VB { \clef bass \stemDown fis4 b fis4 b \stemUp d4 cis b cis8 d e4 d cis4. s8 \stemDown fis,4 b % 5 fis4 b \stemUp ais4 b2 s4 \clef treble cis4 fis cis4 fis % 10 a4 gis fis gis8 a b4 a gis4. s8 cis,4 fis cis4 fis gis % 15 \tieUp eis4 fis2 ~ fis8 s8 d'4 [ ] e'4 s8 % 20 s4 % 25 d cis8 c a'4 g fis4. s8 d'2 d'2 % 30 g fis8 f d'4 cis b4. s8 a'2 a'2 d cis8 c % 35 a'4 g fis4. s8 \clef bass d'2 d'2 g fis8 f d'4 cis b4. s8 % 40 d4 cis b4. s8 \slurUp d2\decr ( ) cis\rced b2 ~ b8 s8 s4 b2 ~ b8 s8 s4 b1 } > } leftHand = \notes \relative c, { \context Staff < \context Voice = VA { \stemUp b4 d fis2 b,4 d fis2 \stemDown b,4 cis8 d e4 d cis4 d8 e fis4. s8 \stemUp b,4 d g2 % 5 b,4 d g2 \stemDown cis,4 d8 e fis4 e d8 cis b2 s4 \stemUp fis'4 a cis2 fis,4 a cis2 % 10 \stemDown fis,4 gis8 a b4 a gis a8 b cis4. s8 \stemUp fis,4 a d2 fis,4 a d2 \stemDown gis,4 a8 b cis4 b % 15 \tieDown a8 gis fis2 ~ fis8 s8 \stemUp b,4 d b,4 d \stemDown b,4 cis8 d e4 d cis d8 e fis4. s8 % 20 \stemUp b,4 d b,4 d \stemDown cis,4_\accent e_\accent fis4_\accent e_\accent d8_\accent cis_\accent b2_\accent r4 \clef treble \stemUp g'''2( )d % 25 g( )d g( d cis )fis4. s8 \clef bass \stemDown c2( )g c2( )g % 30 c( g fis )b4. s8 \stemUp g,2( )d g( )d g( d % 35 cis )fis4. s8 c2( )g c( )g c( g fis )b4. s8 % 40 fis2( )b4. s8 fis1 \stemDown \tieDown b2 ~ b8 s8 s4 b2 ~ b8 s8 s4 b1 } \context Voice = VB { \stemUp b'4 b cis2 b4 b cis2 b2 b2 b2 fis4. r8 b4 b cis2^\accent % 5 b4 b cis2^\accent cis4 d8 e fis4 e d8 cis b2 r4 fis'4 fis gis2 fis4 fis gis2 % 10 fis2 fis fis cis4. r8 fis4 fis gis2^\accent fis4 fis gis2^\accent \stemUp gis4 a8 b cis4 b % 15 a8 gis fis2 ~ fis8 r8 b,4 d ais'2 b,4 d ais'2 b,4 b b b b b r8 % 20 b4 d b'2 b,4 d b'2 d8 e fis4 e d8 cis r4 \clef treble s1 % 25 s s s s s % 30 \stemUp s s g'2 d g d g d % 35 cis fis4. r8 c2 g c g c g fis b4. r8 % 40 fis2 b4. r8 fis1 \tieUp fis2 ~ fis8 r8 r4 fis2 ~ fis8 r8 r4 fis1 }> } pedals = \notes { \stemUp r8_#'( bold ( italic "Pedale")) g r g r g4. r8 g r g r g4. r8 g r8. g16 r8 g r g r g r r16 g r8 g4 r8 r g r g r g4. % 5 r8 g r g r g4. r8 g r16 g r g r8 g r16 g r g r g r g r8 g4. r4 r8 g r g r g4. r8 g r g r g4. % 10 r8 g r8. g16 r8 g r g r g r8. g16 r8 g4 r8 r g r g r g4. r8 g r g r g4. r8 g r16 g r g r8 g r16 g r g % 15 r16 g r g r4 g g8 r r g r g r g4. r8 g r g r g4. r8 g r r16 g r8 g r16 g r g r8 g r r16 g r8 g4 r8 % 20 r g r g r g4. r8 g r g r g4. r8 g r16 g r g r8 g r16 g r g r g r g r8 g4. r4 r8 g r g r g4. % 25 r8 g r g r g4. r8 g r g r4 r8 g r4 r8 g r g4 r8 r g r g r g4. r8 g r g r g4. % 30 r8 g r g r4 r8 g r g r g r g4 r8 r g r g r g4. r8 g r g r g4. r8 g r g r4 r8 g % 35 r4 r8 g r g4 r8 r g r g r g4. r8 g r g r g4. r8 g r g r4 r8 g r g r g r g4 r8 % 40 r8 g r g r g4 r8 r4 g r g r g( )g8 r r4 r g( )g8 r8 r4 r g2. } \score { < \context PianoStaff < \context Staff = "up" < \property PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \Global \clef treble \context Voice=one \rightHand > \context Staff = "down" < \property PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \Global \clef bass \context Voice = one \leftHand > > \context RhythmicStaff < \stemUp \pedals > > \midi { \tempo 4=50 } \paper { \translator{ \RhythmicStaffContext } } }