\include "english.ly" #(set-global-staff-size 20) \version "2.6.0" %\paper { linewidth = 7.0 \in % topmargin = .5 \in % bottommargin = 0.5 \in % aftertitlespace = .75 \in % footsep = .5 \in % } \header { title = "Amaryllis" subtitle = " " subsubtitle = \markup{\small \italic "(Air par le Roi Louis XIII.)"} composer = \markup {\column {"Arranged by A. H. Pease" "(1838-1882)"}} poet = "" instrument = "" copyright = "Public Domain" enteredby = "Stan Sanderson" maintainerEmail = "physinfoman@ameritech.net" % These are headers used by the Mutopia Project % http://www.mutopiaproject.org/ mutopiatitle = "Amaryllis" mutopiacomposer = "PeaseAH" mutopiapoet = "" mutopiainstrument = "Piano" date = "1838-1882" source = "C. M. Cady, Pub. 1878" maintainer = "Stan Sanderson" maintainerEmail = "physinfoman@ameritech.net" maintainerWeb = "" lastupdated = "2/25/2005" footer = "Mutopia-2005/10/09-606" tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \small \line { Sheet music from \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } • \hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer } } \line { \teeny \line { This sheet music has been placed in the public domain by the typesetter, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain } } } } } %%% From the music book entitled "Parlor Gems" (a Choice Selection %%% of Music, Instrumental and Vocal, by the %%% Best Composers, to which is added original %%% Charades for Parlor Performance %%% by C. M. Cady. %%% Published in 1878 by C. M. Cady, 107 Duane St., New York. upper = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 8_.^\markup {\italic \small Allegretto.} _. | %% 1-3 <<{b8(-> e8)}\\{g,4}>> 8_. _. 4-> 8^. ^. | %% c sharp in original, measure 2 <<{d8(-> g8)}\\{b,4}>> 8^. ^. 4-> <<{fs'8-. gs-.}\\{8 }>> | <<{fs'8->([ b)] fs-.[ gs-.] fs->([ ds')] fs,-.[ gs-.]}\\ {4 8 4 8 }>> %%% 4-6 <<{fs'-> fs' cs,-.[ ds-.] b^>}\\ {4 fs8_. fs_. fs_>}>> ^.[_\< ^. ^.]\! | ^.( ^._\> ^. ^. ^. ^.)\!_\pp 8\arpeggio^. \arpeggio^. | \bar "|." 8\arpeggio_\markup {\small \italic "quasi arpa"} \arpeggio \arpeggio \arpeggio \arpeggio r_\pp \arpeggio \arpeggio | %%% 7-9 8\arpeggio \arpeggio <<{b'16 a gs fs}\\{8 }>> \arpeggio \arpeggio \arpeggio _\markup {\small \italic "sempre arpeggiando."} r | 8 <<{b'16 a gs fs}\\{8 }>> r #(set-octavation 1) _\ff | %%% 10-12 8 r | 8 16 8[ ] | 8 r | %%% 13-15 8 16 8 r #(set-octavation 0) _._\f _. | \bar "|." \key g \major \clef bass 8-.[_\f 16-. -.] 8-. -. 4-> 8-. -. | <<{c8 b16 a}\\{4}>> 8-.[ -.] ->[( -.]) -._\f -. | %%% 16-18 8-.[ 16-. -.] 8-. -. 4-> 8-. -. | <<{c8 b16 a}\\{4}>> 8-. -. 4-> \clef treble 8_\p | \bar "|." \key e \major 8 r | %%% 19-21 8 <<{b'16 a gs fs}\\{8 }>> [ ] | r | 8 <<{b'16 a gs fs}\\{8 }>> r 16-._\p -. -. -. | \bar "|." %%% 22-24 \key a \major 8-. -. -. -. r 16-. -. -. -. | 8-.[ 16-. -.] \acciaccatura e8 16-. -. -. -. 8-. -. 16-. -. -. -. | 8-. -. -. 8-. r 16-. -. -. -. | %%% 25 27 8 16 \acciaccatura e8 16 8 r #(set-octavation 1) 16-. -. -. -. | \bar "|." 8-. -. -. -. 4 16-. -. -. -. | 8-. 16-. -. \acciaccatura e8 16-. -. -. -. 8-. -. 16-. -. -. -. | %%% 28-30 8-. -. -. -. 4 16-. -. -. -. | 8-.[ 16-. -.] \acciaccatura e8 16-. -. -. -. 8 r #(set-octavation 0) _. _. | \bar "|." \key c \major 8->_._\f 16_. _. 8_. _. 4-> 8_. _. | %%% 31-33 <<{f8-> e16( d)}\\{4}>> 8_. _. _.[ _.] _. _. | 8_. 16_. _. 8_. _. 4->_. 8_. _. | <<{f8-> e16( d)}\\{4}>> 8_. _. 4-> 16_\p^. ^. ^. ^. | \bar "|." %%% 34-36 \key a \major 8^. ^. ^> ^> 4 16^. ^. ^. ^. | 8^. 16^. ^> \acciaccatura e8 16^. ^. ^. 8^. ^. 16^. ^. ^. ^. | 8^. ^. ^. ^. 4^. 16^. ^. ^. ^. | %%% 37-39 8^. 16^. ^> \acciaccatura e8 16^. ^. ^. 8 r8 | \bar "|." \key e \major 8[ ] r | <<{b16 a gs fs}\\{8 }>> 8 ] | %%% 40-43 8 4 8 | 8 <<{b'16 a gs fs}\\{8 }>> 8 cs b16_. a_. gs_. fs_. | e8_. cs_. b16_. a_. gs_. fs_. e8 r r | s1 | } lower = \relative c' { \clef bass \key e \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 e8-. e-. | %% 1-3 e4-> e8-. e-. e->([ e,)] g'-.[ g-.] | g4-> g8-. g8-. g([ g,!)] -.[ -.] | 4-> 8-. 8-. 4-> 8-. 8-. | %%% 4-6 4-> 8-. -. 8-> r8 r4 | R1 | 8\arpeggio b''( b) \arpeggio b''( b) %%% 7-9 8\arpeggio b( b) \arpeggio b( b) | 8 b''( b) b''( b) | 8 b( b) r r4 | %%% 10-12 8 b([ b)] 8 b([ b)] | 8 b([ b)] b([ b)] | 8 b([ b)] 8 b([ b)] | %%% 13-15 8 b([ b)] r _. _. | \key g \major 8_.[ 16_. _.] 8_. _. 4^> 8_. _. | 4^> 8 4^> 8_. _. | %%% 16-18 8_.[ 16_. _.] 8_. _. 4^> 8_. _. | 4^> 8 4^> r | \key e \major 8 b''( b) b''( b) | %%% 19-21 8 b( b) b( b) | 8 b''( b) b''( b) | 8 b( b) r r4 | %%% 22-24 \key a \major 8 e([ e)] d([ d)] | 8 e([ e)] e([ e)] | 8 e([ e)] d([ d)] | %%% 25-27 8 e([ e)] e([ e)] | 8^\pp e([ e)] d([ d)] | 8 e([ e)] e([ e)] | %%% 28-30 8^\pp e([ e)] d([ d)] | 8 e([ e)] r | \key c \major 8_.^> 16_. _. 8_. _. 4^> 8_. _. | %%% 31-33 4^> 8 4^> 8_. _. | \key c \major 8_.^> 16_. _. 8_. _. 4^> 8_. _. | 4^> 8_. _. 4^> r | %%% 34-36 \key a \major 8^\pp e([ e)] d([ d)] | 8 e([ e)] e([ e)] | 8^\pp e([ e)] d([ d)] | %%% 37-39 8 e([ e)] 8 r r4 | \key e \major 8 b''( b) b''( b) | 8 b( b) b( b) | %%% 40-43 8 b''( b) b''( b) | 8 b([ b)] cs^\pp b16^. a^. gs^. fs^. | e8_. cs_. b16_. a_. gs_. fs_. e8 r r | <<{e8^\pp}\\{}>> r r4 r2 | } \score { \context PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrument = \markup{\small "Piano" " " " "} \context Staff = upper \upper \context Staff = lower \lower >> \layout {betweensystemspace = 5\mm } \midi { \tempo 4=60 } }