Sing Ivy − Breizh Partitions
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Breizh Partitions

Kostenlos Partituren keltischer Musik

Breizh Partitions

Sing Ivy

Komponist Traditionell (1909)
Herkunft EuropaEuropa > Vereinigtes KönigreichVereinigtes Königreich > EnglandEngland > HampshireHampshire
Genre Lied
Instrumente Gesang, Klavier
Tonalität E-Moll
Rythmus 6/8
Downloadzahl 20819
Lizenz Gemeinfreiheit Gemeinfreiheit


Format Herunterladen Dateigröße
pdf Sing_Ivy.pdf  72.90 KiB
midi Sing_Ivy.mid  5.19 KiB
LilyPond  7.10 KiB
txt Sing_Ivy.txt  1.15 KiB


Sing Ivy - 1 Sing Ivy - 2 Sing Ivy - 3
My father gave me an acre of land,
Sing ovy, sing ivy,
My father gave me an acre of land,
A bunch of green holly and ivy.

I harrowed it with a bramble bush,
Sing ovy, sing ivy,
I harrowed it with a bramble bush,
A bunch of green holly and ivy.

I sowed it with two peppercorns,
Sing ovy, sing ivy,
I sowed it with two peppercorns,
A bunch of green holly and ivy.

I rolled it with a rolling-pin,
Sing ovy, sing ivy,
I rolled it with a rolling-pin,
A bunch of green holly and ivy.

I reaped it with my little penknife,
Sing ovy, sing ivy,
I reaped it with my little penknife,
A bunch of green holly and ivy.

I stowed it in a mouse's hole,
Sing ovy, sing ivy,
I mowed it in a mouse's hole,
A bunch of green holly and ivy.

I threshed it out with two beanstalks,
Sing ovy, sing ivy,
I threshed it out with two beanstalks,
A bunch of green holly and ivy.

I sent my rats to market with that,
Sing ovy, sing ivy,
I sent my rats to market with that,
A bunch of green holly and ivy.

My team o’rats came rattling back,
Sing ovy, sing ivy,
My team o’rats came rattling back,
With fifty bright guineas and an empty sack
A bunch of green holly and ivy.

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