Blue Bells of Scotland − Breizh Partitions
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Breizh Partitions

Kostenlos Partituren keltischer Musik

Breizh Partitions

Blue Bells of Scotland

Komponist Dorothea Jordan
Autor Dorothea Jordan
Herkunft EuropaEuropa > Vereinigtes KönigreichVereinigtes Königreich > SchottlandSchottland
Genre Marsch 4/4
Instrumente Schottischer Dudelsack, Gesang
Tonalität B-Dur
Rythmus 4/4
Lizenz Unbekannte Lizenz


Format Herunterladen Dateigröße
gif Blue_Bells_of_Scotland.gif  3.89 KiB
midi Blue_Bells_of_Scotland.mid  1.92 KiB
bww Blue_Bells_of_Scotland.bww  1.20 KiB
txt Blue_Bells_of_Scotland.txt  915 Bytes


Blue Bells of Scotland

Blue Bells of Scotland

Oh where, tell me where, is your highland laddie gone?
Oh where, tell me where, is your highland laddie gone?
He's gone with streaming banners where noble deeds are done
And it's oh! in my heart I wish him safe at home.

Oh where, tell me where, did your highland laddie dwell?
Oh where, tell me where, did your highland laddie dwell?
He dwelt in bonnie Scotland where bloom the sweet bluebells
And it's oh! in my heart I rue my laddie well.

Oh what, tell me what, does your Highland laddie wear?
Oh what, tell me what, does your Highland laddie wear?
A bonnet with a lofty plume, and on his breast a plaid
And it's oh, in my heart I lo'ed my Highland lad

Oh what, tell me what, if your highland lad be slain?
Oh what, tell me what, if your highland lad be slain?
Oh no, true love will be his guide and bring him safe again
For it's oh! my heart would break if my highland lad were slain. 

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