#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) \version "2.8.3" \header { title = "Sing Ivy" composer = "trad. (coll. G. B. Gardiner), arr. Gustav von Holst" %instrument = "Voice, Piano" mutopiatitle = "Sing Ivy" mutopiacomposer = "Traditional" mutopiaarranger = "trad. arr. Gustav von Holst" mutopiainstrument = "Voice, Piano" date = "1909" source = "Folk Songs from Hampshire" style = "Folk" copyright = "Public Domain" maintainer = "Nigel Holmes" maintainerEmail = "nigel.holmes@thesaurus.badw.de" lastupdated = "June 27, 2006" footer = "Mutopia-2006/06/29-789" tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \small \line { Sheet music from \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } • \hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer } } \line { \teeny \line { This sheet music has been placed in the public domain by the typesetter, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain } } } } } #(set-global-staff-size 19) \paper { #(set-default-paper-size "letter") raggedbottom = ##t } melody = \relative c'' \context Voice = "singer" { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" \key g\major \time 6/8 \clef treble r2.^\markup {\italic Allegretto.} r4 r8 b4.\fermata %repeat start a4 a8 e8 e b' a g a e4 b8 e4. fis8 r8 b e4. b8 r8 e d (c) d b b b a b a e4 e8 e b' b b a g fis4. e4 r8 r2. r4 r8 b'4. a8 a a e4 b'8 a (g) a e4 b8 e4. fis8 r8 b e4. b8 r8 e8 d c d b4 b8 a (b) a e4 e8 e b' b b a g %} %\alternative{ {fis4. e4 r8 r4 r8 b'4.} { fis4. e \break} %} r4 r8 b'4.^\markup {\italic cresc.}^\markup{\italic Poco \italic animato.} a4 a8 e4 b'8 a (g) a e4 b8 e4. fis8 r b e4. b8 r e d^\markup{\italic cresc.} (c) d b4 b8 a (b) a e4 e8 a8 a a e fis e16 e a8 (b) a e4 e8 e b' b b a g fis4. e4 r8 r2.\fermata \bar "||" } text = \lyricmode { My fa -- ther gave me an a -- cre of land, Sing o -- vy, sing i -- vy, My fa -- ther gave me an a -- cre of land, A bunch of green hol -- ly and i -- vy. I har -- rowed it with a bram -- ble bush, Sing o -- vy, sing i -- vy, I har -- rowed it with a bram -- ble bush, A bunch of green hol -- ly and i -- vy. I i -- vy. My team o’ rats came ratt -- ling back, Sing o -- vy, sing i -- vy, My team o’ rats came ratt -- ling back With fif -- ty bright guin -- eas and an emp -- ty sack, A bunch of green hol -- ly and i -- vy. } upper = \relative c''{ \key g\major \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . -2.5) e8_\mf (b') b b (a) g fis4. (b,8) r r \fermata 4._\p (8) r r 4. (8) r r 4. (8) r r 4. (b8) r r 4. (8) r r 4. 2. 2. e8 (b') b b (a) g fis4. (b,8) r r \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . -2.5) 4_\markup{\dynamic pp \italic legatissimo} \( a,8 4 b8 4 c8 4 b8 4 a,8 4 b,8 4 c8 4 b,8 4 a,8 4 b,8 4 c8 4 a,8\) <<{\stemDown 2. } \\ {\stemUp b'4. g fis e}>> r8 a, r a, r a, r8 b r a, r b r c r b r c r b, r c r b r a, r b r c r b \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . -2.5) r_\markup{\italic cresc.} a, r b r cis r b \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . -1) 2.\accent_\markup {\italic dim.} <<{\stemDown 4._\> r4_\pp r8 \once \override Script #'padding = #1 4.\fermata}\\ {\stemUp 2. }>> } lower = \relative c'{ \key g\major \clef treble 2. 4. (8) r r\fermata \repeat volta 5 { 4. (8) r r 4. (8) r r 4. (8) r r 4. (8) r r 4. (8) r r 4. 2. 4. (8) r r \clef bass 4 \( a'8 4 b'8 4 c'8 4 b'8 4 a'8 4 b'8 4 a'8 4 b'8 4 a'8 4 b'8 4 c'8 4 a'8 \) 2. } \alternative { { 4. \clef treble } { \once \override Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders = #(make-vector 3 '(span-bar breathing-sign staff-bar key clef time-signature)) \clef bass 8 [ r c'] [r c'] } } [r c'] [r b'] [r c'] [r b'] [r a'] [r b'] [r c'] [r b'] [r a'] [r b'] [r c'] [r b'] [r a'] [r b'] [r cis'] [r b'] [r a'] [r b'] 2.\accent 4. \once \override Script #'padding = #1 \fermata } \book{ \score{<< \new Staff<< \melody >> \lyricsto "singer"\new Lyrics \text \context PianoStaff<< \new Staff\upper \new Staff\lower >> >> \layout{} \midi { \tempo 8 =150} } \markup { \column{ \line {\bold 1. My father gave me an acre of land,} \line {\hspace #3.0 Sing ovy, sing ivy,} \line {My father gave me an acre of land,} \line {\hspace #3.0 A bunch of green holly and ivy.} \line {" "} \line {\bold 2. I harrowed it with a bramble bush,} \line {\hspace #3.0 Sing ovy, sing ivy,} \line {I harrowed it with a bramble bush,} \line {\hspace #3.0 A bunch of green holly and ivy.} \line {" "} \line {\bold 3. I sowed it with two peppercorns,} \line {\hspace #3.0 Sing ovy, sing ivy,} \line {I sowed it with two peppercorns,} \line {\hspace #3.0 A bunch of green holly and ivy.} \line {" "} \line {\bold 4. I rolled it with a rolling-pin,} \line {\hspace #3.0 Sing ovy, sing ivy,} \line {I rolled it with a rolling-pin,} \line {\hspace #3.0 A bunch of green holly and ivy.} \line {" "} \line {\bold 5. I reaped it with my little penknife,} \line {\hspace #3.0 Sing ovy, sing ivy,} \line {I reaped it with my little penknife,} \line {\hspace #3.0 A bunch of green holly and ivy.} \line {" "} \line {\bold 6. I stowed it in a mouse's hole,} \line {\hspace #3.0 Sing ovy, sing ivy,} \line {I mowed it in a mouse's hole,} \line {\hspace #3.0 A bunch of green holly and ivy.} \line {" "} \line {\bold 7. I threshed it out with two beanstalks,} \line {\hspace #3.0 Sing ovy, sing ivy,} \line {I threshed it out with two beanstalks,} \line {\hspace #3.0 A bunch of green holly and ivy.} \line {" "} \line {\bold 8. I sent my rats to market with that,} \line {\hspace #3.0 Sing ovy, sing ivy,} \line {I sent my rats to market with that,} \line {\hspace #3.0 A bunch of green holly and ivy.} \line {" "} \line {\bold 9. My team o’rats came rattling back,} \line {\hspace #3.0 Sing ovy, sing ivy,} \line {My team o’rats came rattling back,} \line {With fifty bright guineas and an empty sack} \line {\hspace #3.0 A bunch of green holly and ivy.}%} } } }