The First Nowell − Breizh Partitions
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Breizh Partitions

Kostenlos Partituren keltischer Musik

Breizh Partitions

The First Nowell

Komponist Unbekannt (ca. 1700)
Autor Traditionell
Arrangeur Ian Cantor
Transkription Ian Cantor
Herkunft EuropaEuropa > Vereinigtes KönigreichVereinigtes Königreich > EnglandEngland > CornwallCornwall
Genre Weihnachtslied
Instrumente Klavier
Tonalität D-Dur
Rythmus 3/4
Downloadzahl 18885
Lizenz Creative Commons BY-SA Creative Commons BY-SA


Format Herunterladen Dateigröße
pdf The_First_Nowell.pdf  39.48 KiB
txt The_First_Nowell.txt  1005 Bytes
The First Nowell - 1
1. O well, O well, the Angels did say

To shepherds there in the fields did lay;
Late in the night a-folding their sheep,
A winter's night, both cold and bleak.
O well, O well, O well, O well,
Born is the King of Israel.

2. And then there did appear a Star,

Whose glory then did shine so far:
Unto the earth it gave a great light,
And there it continued a day and a night.

3. And by the light of that same Star,

Three Wise Men came from country far;
To seek a King was their intent -
They follow'd the Star wherever it went.

4. The Star went before them unto the North West,

And seemed o'er the City of Bethlehem to rest,
And there did remain by night and by day,
Right over the place where Jesus Christ lay.

5. Then enter'd in these Wise Men three,

With reverence fall on their knee,
And offer'd up in His presence
The gifts of gold and frankincense.

6. 'Tween an ox manger and an ass,

Our Blest Messiah's place it was;
To save us all from bond and thrall,
He was a Redeemer for us all!

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