Skridoù-sonerezh digoust: slow air − Breizh Partitions
Mont d’al lañserMont d’an endalc’had

Breizh Partitions

Skridoù-sonerezh keltiek digoust

Breizh Partitions

Skridoù-sonerezh digoust: slow air

Skridoù-sonerezh 1 beket 25 diwar 25 en oll

Titl Sonaozour Benvegoù Orin Rummad abc bww gif jpg LilyPond midi MP3 MuseScore nwc ogg pdf txt
A Border Ballad Hengounel Biniou braz IwerzhonIwerzhon Slow air
(Mi bouc’h major)
bww gif midi
An Eala Bhàn (The Fair Swan) Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna Biniou braz Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air
(Si bouc’h major)
bww gif txt
Ar Mor Divent Hengounel Biniou braz IwerzhonIwerzhon Slow air
(Mi bouc’h major)
abc gif
Cliffs of Doneen Hengounel Biniou braz IwerzhonIwerzhon Slow air, valsenn
(Si bouc’h major)
abc gif
Eleanor Plunkett Turlough O’Carolan Akordeon IwerzhonIwerzhon Slow air
(Do major)
LilyPond midi pdf
Eleanor Plunkett Turlough O’Carolan Fleüt IwerzhonIwerzhon Slow air
(Do major)
gif LilyPond midi pdf
Flower of Scotland Roy Williamson Biniou braz Bro-SkosBro-Skos Son, slow air
(Mi bouc’h major)
abc gif midi MP3 ogg
Flower of Scotland Roy Williamson Violon, alto Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air, kan broadel
(Mi bouc’h major)
MuseScore ogg pdf
Flower of Scotland Roy Williamson Biniou braz Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air
(Mi bouc’h major)
MP3 pdf
Flower of Scotland Roy Williamson Biniou braz Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air
(Mi bouc’h major)
MP3 pdf
For Ireland I’d not Tell her Name Dizanv Violon, gitar IwerzhonIwerzhon Slow air
(Mi minor)
gif txt
Hector the Hero James Scott Skinner Violon, alto Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air
(Si bouc’h major)
midi MuseScore ogg pdf
Hector the Hero James Scott Skinner Violon, alto Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air
(Si bouc’h major)
midi MuseScore ogg pdf
Hector the Hero James Scott Skinner Biniou braz Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air
(Si bouc’h major)
bww jpg
Highland Cathedral Ulrich Roever ha Michael Korb Biniou braz Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air, sonenn
(Mi bouc’h major)
bww jpg pdf txt
Highland Cathedral Ulrich Roever ha Michael Korb Violon, alto Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air
(Mi bouc’h major, si bouc’h major)
MuseScore ogg pdf
The Bells of Dunblane Robert Mathieson Violon, alto Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air
(Si bouc’h major)
MuseScore pdf
The Bells of Dunblane Robert Mathieson Violon, alto Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air
(Si bouc’h major)
MuseScore pdf
The Fairy Lady of Loch Laerne - Eibhli Gheal Chiuin ni Chearbhaill Hengounel Biniou braz IwerzhonIwerzhon Slow air
(Si bouc’h major)
abc gif
The Isle of Mull Hengounel Biniou braz MuileMuile Slow air
(Si bouc’h major)
bww gif
When Irish Eyes are Smiling Hengounel Biniou braz IwerzhonIwerzhon Slow air
(Mi bouc’h major)
bww gif midi nwc
When Irish Eyes are Smiling Hengounel Akordeon IwerzhonIwerzhon Slow air
(Do major)
When Irish Eyes are Smiling Hengounel Violon IwerzhonIwerzhon Slow air
(Re major)
gif midi
When the Pipers Play Hengounel Violon, alto Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air
(Mi bouc’h major)
MuseScore pdf
When the Pipers Play Hengounel Telenn, vibrafon Bro-SkosBro-Skos Slow air
(Mi bouc’h major)
MuseScore ogg pdf